Who we are
The Engineering Graduate Attribute Development (EGAD) Project was launched in 2010 as an initiative co-sponsored by the National Council of Deans of Engineering and Applied Science (NCDEAS), and Engineers Canada (EC). Engineering educators and educational developers from across the country were invited to participate.
The original project mandate was to provide support for Canadian engineering programs making the transition to outcome-based programming and assessment as required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board Accreditation Criteria and Procedures Report Section 3.1, starting in 2009. This support was provided in a variety of ways, including campus workshops which introduced program faculty to continuous program improvement concepts. The 6 Step Guide was developed from these campus workshop experiences.
As programs adjusted to the new requirements and explored the changes in teaching and learning approaches that resulted, it became evident that adopting a Continuous Program Improvement approach is itself a continuous process. There was a gradual shift from campus workshops to the present Graduate Attribute Continual Improvement Process (GACIP) regional meetings where institutional representatives gather to discuss evolving issues and ideas.
The EGAD Project initiative has also evolved to become known as EGAD. The current mandate is to develop resources and materials relating to outcome-based programming, assessment, and accreditation. These materials are offered to the engineering educational community through this on-line hub, regional workshops, publications and collaborations with engineering education focused groups.
The institutions seen below are represented in the present EGAD Project membership:

What we do
The EGAD group develops resources and materials relating to outcome-based programming, assessment, and accreditation. These Continuous Program Improvement Process supports are shared in a variety of ways:
On-line Resource Hub
This web site provides tools and information relevant to all those involved in the ongoing development, implementation, and support of effective continuous program improvement practices.
EGAD Project Workshops
EGAD group members have run workshops at a variety of engineering education focused conferences each year, including:
- National Conferences (Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA))
- GACIP Regional meetings (Atlantic Meeting on Graduate Attributes (AMEGA) (held at UPEI)), CEAB mini-symposium of Quebec higher education institutions (held at Laval), GACIP Summit (hosted by EGAD and held at UofT), and Western GACIP symposium (held at UofC)
- On Campus Workshops