EGAD Publications

EGAD publishes reports, reviews, conference papers and other works regarding engineering accreditation, outcomes-based assessment, continuous program improvement, curriculum mapping, educational technology and assessment. The majority of these publications are a collaborative effort of the EGAD  group members but typically reflect the views and practices of the authors respective institutions. Any questions or comments regarding the publications can be addressed to the corresponding author.

Frank, B. (2011). Development of processess and criteria for CEAB graduate attribute assessment. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association.

Frank, B., & Fostaty-Young, S. (2011). What can our students do: Year 2 of graduate attribute assessment at Queen’s University. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).

Kaupp, J., Frank, B., & Watts, C. (2013). Evaluation of software tools supporting outcomes-based continuous program improvement processes. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association.

Kaupp, J., & Frank, B. (2015). Approaching the loop: A brief review of effective practises in continuous program improvement. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association.

Kaupp, J., & Frank, B. (2015). Evaluation of software tools supporting outcomes-based continuous program improvement processes: Part 2. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association.

Kaupp, J., & Frank, B. (2015). Evaluation of software tools supporting outcomes-based continuous program improvement processes: Part 3. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association.

Kaupp, J., & Frank, B. (2017). EGAD national snapshot survey: Change, progress and improvement. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).

Kaupp, J. (2017). Using R to Collect, Analyze and Visualize Graduate Attribute Data. In Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA).