class: middle center
##Indicator Troubleshooting Exercise --- class: middle left ## Instructions For the following exercises, identify the problems with these attempts at writing indicators: * The first two were first draft indicators for Graduate Attribute #1, a Knowledge Base for Engineering * The third is a draft indicator for Graduate Attribute #8, Professionalism. --- class: middle left ## .yellow[Example 1]
#### Draft indicator for a Knowledge Base for Engineering
###[“Students will learn concepts about linear motion”]_ --- class: middle left # .red[Issues] This indicator gives no indication of what “learning” looks like; the statement provides no indication of a standard; it is open to interpretation and therefore not reliably measurable. --- class: middle left # .blue[Improvements] ###["Students will utilize kinematic concepts of linear motion to experimentally determine coefficients of static friction in planar systems"]_ --- class: middle left ## .yellow[Example 2]
#### Draft indicator for a Knowledge Base for Engineering
###[“Students will describe concepts including force, power, energy and momentum”]_ --- class: middle left # .red[Issues] While the verb *describe* does provide information about the expected standard of performance, that standard is at a very low cognitive level. Consider writing indicators that describe what students will be able to accomplish with the knowledge they gain rather than itemizing the knowledge they are expected to gain --- class: middle left # .blue[Improvements] ###["Students combine multiple principles of classical mechanics to analyze and assess efficiencies of simple machines."]_ --- class: middle left ## .yellow[Example 3]
#### Draft indicator for Professionalism
###[“Students will work effectively in teams”]_ --- class: middle left # .red[Issues] Aside from the fact that effective team work is a Graduate Attribute in itself, this statement is not an effective indicator: There is no standard of performance identified and as such the statement is open to interpretation, reducing the likelihood of consistent assessment across raters. Increase its effectiveness by specifying the characteristics of what effective groups look like – the degree to which certain behaviours are exhibited. --- class: middle left # .blue[Improvements] ###["Groups set expectations and negotiate equitable division of work by developing a team contract"]_